27 June 2010

Just some Sunday Links....

These are the things that caught our interest this week. Hope you`ill enjoy :)
Acestea sunt lucrurile care ne-au atras atenția săptămîna asta. Spr să vă placă.
Keep it funky ;) !!!

13 June 2010

Just some Sunday Links....

Keeping up with the promise from last week, here are this Sunday`s links:

Continuând cu promisiunea făcută săptămâna trecută, iată link-urile de de săptămâna asta:

A nice and sunny week 2 all fashionvictims up there!!!! ;)
O săptămână însorită vouă tuturor fashionvictims!!!;)

7 June 2010

Just some Sunday Links....

Starting today,  every Sunday FashionableArmoire will share some links: fashion, music and other nice and interesting stuff. Enjoy Fashionvictims!!!
So, our choices 4 today are:
Începând de astăzi, în fiecare duminica FashionableArmoire vă va împărtăși câteva link-uri despre: fashion, muzică și alte chestii intresante. Bucurațivă de ele!!!
Deci cele 4 alegeri pentru astăzi sunt:

5 June 2010


Today a friend suggested me this link http://www.livity.org/index.html, knowing that I`m intrested in fashion and all related, so I`ve checked it up and decided to share it with you too. The conclusion: I was very amazed that people are still interested in making this world a better place.
Livity is a lifestyle of sustainability and unity. The people involved in this project live through the products they design and the cultures they support, by using organic, renewable and recyclable materials and engaging in fair-trade practices, Livity’s apparel and accessories are an expression of their commitment to activism through conscious living and positivity. Their mission is to make earth-friendly apparel and accessories for the consumer with a conscience. Their hats, famous fedoras, bags, t-shirts, hoodies and outerwear are all designed with the Livity vibe and environment in mind.
To find out more about the Livitys activity, goals and ideas please visit this link http://www.livity.org/index.html
Nighty night all fashionvictims up there!!! :*